SEMEQ Remote predictive monitoring: more efficiency and savings in machine maintenance


Remote predictive monitoring: more efficiency and savings in machine maintenance

Remote predictive monitoring is an evolution of traditional methods since using intelligent sensors makes it possible to inspect machines over long distances and full-time.

Nowadays, industrial parks of large companies already use the resources of Industry 4.0 to improve the performance of their equipment and ensure uninterrupted production, providing competitive advantages in the market.

In this article, we will address how remote predictive maintenance works, its benefits compared to on-site maintenance, and for which factories it is the most indicated.

On-site monitoring challenges

Until recently, traditional predictive maintenance consisted of collecting data using a single sensor attached to the end of the equipment from a cable. This portable instrument required a person to be present in the plant to collect the data, usually on a monthly scale. In traditional predictive monitoring, half the cost of an online system was spent on infrastructure.

In addition, the main challenge of face-to-face monitoring was accessing factories and industrial parks that were difficult to access, especially when collections had to be carried out at high intervals.

Remote predictive monitoring: how it works

Remote predictive monitoring is done by installing sensors on equipment previously chosen by the technical team and the maintenance manager. As it is wireless, it is possible to install the sensors in several machines without the impediment of cabling.

From this, data is collected and sent to a bank that gathers information about the performance of the equipment. When an unusual vibration, temperature, pressure, or oil consumption is identified, no matter how small, the maintenance manager has access to this information through a platform that can be accessed on several devices.

Thus, drawing up an action plan to get the equipment working again at maximum performance is possible.

Benefits of Remote Sensing

Data analysis with AI

Big data and artificial intelligence resources make monitoring different types of data remotely possible. This information is processed according to each specific condition, predicting failures and damage from full-time trend curves and criticality level classification.

Ease data visualization

Another benefit of remote sensing is to have access to the collected data practically and transparently.

In SEMEQ, we have an online platform that can be accessed on different devices, in which the data of each monitored piece of equipment is available. Thus, it is possible to have significant insights to improve the performance of your industrial park.

Full equipment coverage

A significant difference between traditional and remote monitoring is the possibility of monitoring equipment online every day of the week.

To have an idea, in manual collections, the data is usually extracted only once a month. With wifi sensors, the reader is done once an hour, which means 720 groups per month.

For which styles of factory plants is remote predictive monitoring indicated?

Plants far from urban centers

Remote monitoring can connect hundreds or thousands of points in industrial plants, extending the network connection to larger areas.

Plants with difficult access

Online monitoring proves to be particularly useful in plants installed in difficult-to-access locations since it is unnecessary to go to the site to collect data.

Multiple plants

Companies with multiple plants need great efforts to monitor each of their equipment. With the facilities of wireless sensors, it is possible to watch all of them simultaneously, every day.

Plants with uninterrupted operation

Plants that cannot stop their production for maintenance benefit from remote monitoring, as the sensors identify potential failures with a high degree of sensitivity, ensuring the resolution of the problem before it even happens.

Learn how we perform remote predictive monitoring of your equipment

SEMEQ’s predictive monitoring process involves several online and offline steps and techniques. With extensive experience, we collaborate with more than 300 employees monitoring 500 factories in 40 countries.

With an in-house R&D team, SEMEQ develops and manufactures intelligent wireless vibration sensors, artificial intelligence algorithms, and applications dedicated to predictive monitoring.

Find out how we perform remote monitoring of your equipment:

  • We conducted a study to understand which equipment needs to be monitored.
  • We install wireless sensors.
  • Our technical team monitors the results.
  • We generate a report with information and insights.
  • We trigger the maintenance orders.

Our differences

* Expertise in fault detection: with nearly 30 years of experience, SEMEQ technicians know the exact requirements to wirelessly monitor your machines and ensure the continuity of your production line.

* Technology domain: Our online predictive maintenance monitoring company has a Research and Development department. We can produce our own sensors according to customer needs with these resources.

* Practice with various equipment: the predictive service can be applied to motors, power electronics, boilers, steam system components, transformers, capacitors, and fuses, among other equipment.

* Experience in more than ten segments: we have already worked with the most different industrial niches, such as beverages, food, mining, automotive, etc.

Talk to our consultants and remotely monitor assets in your Industrial Park.

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